Co-founders, Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary
Sometimes there comes a moment when all previous moments make sense, this is one of those. Through dreaming about and creating Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary during the winter of 2020, Ellie and Sylvana realized many of their individual life experiences had brought them together to create something amazing, in this moment.
- As children, finding wonder and magic in the natural world
- Both experiencing the power of animals to open hearts
- Finding sanctuary in nature, holding them through times of trauma, and stress
- Meeting as two pregnant women in a holistic birthing class in 2003 (Birthing from Within)
- The shared desire to create something meaningful that could uplift the lives of humans, animals, plants and spirit
These collective moments are like cogs in a wheel clicking, creating a cohesive movement forward…

Co-founder, Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary
Program Designer and Facilitator at LAFS, Permaculture Designer/regenerative gardener, INELDA trained Death Doula, Passionate Medicinal Cook, Recreational Therapist, Registered Nurse.
Partnering with the land, I am excited to implement my knowledge of permaculture design, mirroring the diversity seen in nature with the regenerative practices of growing more perennial gardens and food forest. As the Volunteer Coordinator/Designer for Food For Free, I work at Lindentree Farm. We grow fresh vegetables that go directly to organizations that provide food for underserved communities.
As a young adult I spent four years working in a variety of self-sustaining communities in Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, and New York, growing my love for the earth. Of special significance is the Shree Muktananda Ashram, a spiritual retreat center in South Fallsburg, New York, where I lived and worked as a cook for three years. Daily spiritual practices of meditation, yoga, and chanting deepened my desire to share contemplative practices with others. Thirty years of personal, individual and group therapy and workshops inform my leadership.
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Co-founder, Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary
Program Designer and Facilitator at LAFS, Artist, Writer, Expressive Arts Therapist, Coach of the Creative, Horsewoman, Therapeutic Riding Instructor and Certified facilitator, The Equus Effect.
I had the good fortune to grow up on an old farm in Harvard, MA, living at or visiting “Deerhorn” until my folks sold the place when I was thirty. Horses, dogs and a variety of marvelous farm animals; parents, Frank and Emilie, older brothers Francis and Will, and the land itself— filled with mystery and the presence of the Nipmuc who lived there many years before, whispering trees, fields and meandering stonewalls— left a deep impression on me. My dream to create Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary is a gesture reaching full circle back to those roots, seeking to create for others the blessing and sanctuary I experienced as a youth.
Not everything was easy, of course. I had my share of struggles, heart-break and challenge.
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Council Members

Council Member, Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary
I’m honored to be a member of the Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary council. It has been so enriching to gather together with these three women and to connect with spirit in the creation of this amazing project. I am sort of the business mind in the group and organizational nerd, so I’ve been supporting LAFS through Google Docs, Google Calendar as well as designing the website with my partner, Peter Needle.
Being raised in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, I’m of the generation that spent a lot of time outdoors, nature was my church, my playmate, my teacher and my healer. Through difficult times in my life, I have always found ways to spend extended amounts of time outside, playing in the woods by the Back Bay in Biloxi, doing forestry fieldwork in the forests of the Pacific Northwest or spending time at the beach. I’ve always felt that Nature could “hold it all”, everything I couldn’t anymore. I’m in deep gratitude to our mother earth.
I’m also in deep gratitude to Sylvana and Ellie and to Lotus for inviting me in to be a part of creating something with such profound meaning at such a rich time in history.

Council Member, Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary
I was blessed to spend much of my childhood outside playing in trees and fields and frequently biking over to a nearby horse pasture and woodland trails. Many of my fondest memories are from the summers I spent on my cousins’ farms in western Massachusetts. The time on that land, with the animals and extended family coming together with shared purpose and the afternoons of rock jumping up a beautiful brook to its magical deep clear pools for full-body plunging…it was transformative & planted seeds within me. Throughout the course of my life, I have spent precious time in nature and working and learning on farms in MA, NY, NM, New Zealand, Australia and countries in E. Africa.
Another significant influence in my life was witnessing my father’s journey through a terminal diagnosis. He was given three months to live when I was five years old. A physically and soulfully strong Irishman, my father went on to live an additional thirty three years. During those years, I witnessed my father’s health in a living laboratory with the interplay of western treatments and pharmaceuticals as well as a wide range of complementary modalities.
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