“Seed to Sapling,” 2021 & 2022
2021: We ran a pilot program for women and families at Lindentree and Gaining Ground Farms. These workshops explored themes around the elements: earth, air, fire, water, pollinators, movement and care for the self and land through regenerative farm practices, celebration and the expressive arts. We received such a warm reception and gratitude from the community and participants of our workshops. People were eager to connect with the land, each other, themselves and their creative side. Being met with such gratitude highlighted the need and function of future workshops. We are truly grateful to be in this co-creative process with our community and the land.
2021 also brought about the formation of a council. This council holds the broader vision of Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary and oversees the execution of our mission through our curricula and programming. Council meets twice a month.
2022: We’re looking forward to partnering again with Gaining Ground Farm and possibly other local farms to hold more events.

“LAFS Tree…” Future
Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary comes home to one farm – help us find it!
We envision doing this in partnership with an existing farm or through the purchase of our own place. We will run programs and workshops here, growing into our full vision, including planting trees!