- Moon Memoriesby Sylvana WeinsteinThe moon re-members us. As we open to her, she connects us to ourselves, our natural world, our ancestors, and our collective healing potential. As we approach the darkest day of the year, Solstice, December 21st we are also in the middle of an insufferable (dark) time in our lives, the war between Israel and… Continue reading Moon Memories
- LAFS Updateby Ellie BehrstockDear Friends of LAFS, Much has changed since we last wrote and shared a blog. “What the Heck happened to our project?” you may ask. “Where are your workshops? What are your plans?” In the way of many stories, the narrative to LAFS changed quickly. We council members realised we lacked the time, energy and… Continue reading LAFS Update
- Love Affair with Treesby Ellie BehrstockThe coldest day of winter, I gaze upon trees from the cozy nest of my house. Their stark, silent, dancing forms criss-cross in an arc of fascinating shapes, offering my eye comfort. I wonder about the squirrels and birds who recently played and flew amongst these trees. Are they nestled inside a limb, or amongst… Continue reading Love Affair with Trees
- Council Reflections on Our First Business Retreatby Ayla DaleyThis blog brings together three of our four voices reflecting on our first business retreat at Ayla’s lovely country home in up-state NY. It was a rich coming-together, at turns playful, challenging, creative, deep. We share our reflections here in the hopes you will feel something of our creative process as a collaborative. We take… Continue reading Council Reflections on Our First Business Retreat
- Harmonizeby Ayla DaleyWe began our house hunt in earnest the summer of 2021 after my boyfriend Peter, my daughter Aliyah and I attended one of the Lotus Arts Farm Sanctuary events that year. The sense of community we felt with the other families that day, while we all worked on the land planting kale at Gaining Ground… Continue reading Harmonize